Bats In Plumbing: How It Happens & How To Prevent
Bats can get into your plumbing system through various means, so if you are having any trouble with bats in your home, take action now to prevent them from returning. Read on to discover some of the most common ways that bats may enter into your home’s pipe system and what you should do if you spot one.
Can Bats Get Into Plumbing?
Bats can get into plumbing when pipes and vents are not properly sealed or connected.
Bats are incredibly small creatures and they can squeeze into even the tiniest of holes. Their oil-coated bodies make it easier for them to squeeze through smaller openings like those found in houses or other structures.
How Do Bats Get Into My Plumbing?
The most common way bats get into plumbing is by accessing open vents or pipes.
A bat will enter the attic or basement of a home through small gaps in the siding. Bats love darkness, so if it notices an open pipe or dryer vent, it will go inside quickly.
Once bats enter a pipe or vent, it will keep going deeper into your home to find new dark and cold areas.
How Do Bats Damage Plumbing?
Bats can do serious damage to pipes and other fixtures, plus leave behind an unpleasant odor that’s very unsightly.
Some homes contain a significant amount of bat guano in the attic which may smell like ammonia or rotting eggs. It is essential to remove this accumulation quickly in order to prevent respiratory issues.
Furthermore, the presence of bats in a plumbing system can lead to clogging and blockage. This can ultimately result in damaged pipes, back-flowing water and sewage which can lead to water damage.
How To Prevent Bats Getting In Your Plumbing System
To prevent them bats getting in, seal all openings around your pipes and ensure it’s completely insulated. This will help ensure that no bats get inside.
Install one-way exclusion devices to prevent bats from entering and exiting your home’s plumbing systems. These can be purchased in specialized stores and consist of a tube that allows bats to leave but prevents reentry.
Once these are in place, it’s essential that you make a concerted effort to keep the one-way device closed. Furthermore, it’s best to do this immediately upon discovering bats in your system so as not to risk having them return.
You can also leave a light on in an attic or other part of the property you suspect might be home to bats, creating disturbance and driving them away.
Final Thoughts
Bats can be a nuisance as they carry two deadly diseases: Histoplasmosis and rabies. These illnesses, which can be transmitted to humans through contact with bat droppings or saliva, should not be ignored; failing to do so could prove fatal if not addressed promptly.
When you have a bat issue, it is best to hire a plumber or contact a pest control professional for assistance. These types of plumbing jobs are not uncommon. They can inspect the building and identify potential entry points before creating an effective and safe exclusion plan. Once sealed up, bats cannot return through these primary exits.
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