
Plumber Salary in Virginia

Pay RateBottom 25%AverageTop 25%
Yearly$41,144 per year$51,430 per year$61,716 per year
Hourly$19.78 per hour$24.73 per hour$29.67 per hour
Daily$158.25 per day$197.81 per day$237.37 per day
Weekly$791 per week$989 per week$1,187 per week
Monthly$3,429 per month$4,286 per month$5,143 per month

How much does a Plumber make per year in Virginia?

The average salary for a Plumber in Virginia is $51,430 per year, with a range from $41,144 to $61,716.

How much does a Plumber make per hour in Virginia?

The average hourly pay for a Plumber in Virginia is $24.73 per hour, with a range from $19.78 to $29.67.

How much does a Plumber make per day in Virginia?

The average daily pay for a Plumber in Virginia is $197.81 per day, with a range from $158.25 to $237.37.

How much does a Plumber make per week in Virginia?

The average weekly pay for a Plumber in Virginia is $989 per week, with a range from $791 to $1,187.

How much does a Plumber make per month in Virginia?

The average monthly pay for a Plumber in Virginia is $4,286 per month, with a range from $3,429 to $5,143.

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